ODOO, formerly known as OpenERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), is a platform that companies can use to easily manage the basics of the company such as materials and warehouse management, human resources, finance, accounting, sales and many other enterprise features.
This is being done by means of an intuitive user interface that can be easily extended with community modules or with customized modules that suit the client's purposes. Helping you make smart decisions every day, ODOO can be used by companies of all sizes, offering a clear and integrated view of your business.
Wondering why you should choose an OpenErp system for your business?
The answer is not very simple, but we will try to break it down for you by presenting a few of the ODOO advantages you could get.
It’s comprehensive
By implementing ODOO in your activity you will get over a thousand modules that can be used to enhance your business’ productivity and work volume. Also, there are a lot of functionalities available in ODOO platforms, which is why you first need to assess the needs of your company and choose the right system configuration for implementation.
It’s modular
Everything is so much simpler when working with modules. You can make changes very easy and you can get things started by having just a few basics modules integrated. Don’t worry, it’s very simple to add more later on.
It’s flexible
You, as a CEO, and people working within your organization might need some basic training at first, but as soon as you understand how things work within the system you will discover how easy it is to make changes that will maximize your productivity. ODOO is very easy to work with.
It’s constantly updated
You will never miss a technology update because ODOO is a platform that is modifying itself along with the updated technologies.
It’s free
Yes, it’s free. The full version of the software can be downloaded and used for no charge. This saves you a lot of license costs that can be redirected towards implementation and customization.
Don’t forget: it’s important to know what you’re doing
Although the benefits you get from implementing ODOO within your organization are amazing, you should know that the correct way to do it requires quite a few technical knowledge and experience. Also, the system needs periodical maintenance, which means that you will require somebody to deliver the training you and your employees need in order to better understand how it works and how it can be used to enhance your company’s productivity.
For our latest client, we went through 3 simple steps for implementing ODOO:
Defining the objective
We customized an all-in-one ERP solution based on specific client needs and integrated the customized module on the client’s existing platform. The module integrated was an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) module that was linked with sales, finance, accounting, manufacturing and production modules.
Defining the solution
ODOO has its own open source infrastructure called OpenObject framework, developed in Python and composed of several core ERP modules. The OpenObject framework has about 30 core modules to handle its functionality and over 3000 community modules that extend the core functionality.
Depending on client’s needs, the developed module has to allow actions to be taken at the component level of a returned system, to enable and track email communication with customers and to integrate with other ODOO features, workflows and documents.
Defining the specific benefits
Thanks to the platform we developed, resources can now be managed in one single place, barriers between departments no longer exists and reports are available real time.
Having an open source infrastructure where the community contributes constantly, updates are made often based on approved contributions.
Thanks to its Python core, the system can be easily configured and tailored to any specific needs the client might have after the implementation.
Let us help you, too!
It’s your money we’re talking about when you decide to implement an ODOO system within your organization, and you don’t want to waste it. Investing in OpenErp is one of the most important business decisions you will ever make, so make sure that the system is correctly implemented and your employees know how to use it to its full potential.